The third lesson, which I stop him, he is so destructive role forsaken him free rein to inform the trade, and the examples in the recent crisis stark including unbearable, however, did not hear the action or even call in any of the two countries, Algeria and Egypt to trial Rogge false news deaths Algerians, in Cairo on Saturday, November 14 match, or trial instigated the violence and bloodshed of Egyptians media, if it has happened, as some say. The first important notes in this debate seeking to draw lessons is that this tension in the anti-Egyptian sentiment in sporting encounters with the Algerians, stretching back more than thirty years, and appeared first appeared in this picture breath in the late seventies in an African courses, and then repeats the emergence of these feelings at every sporting event between the two countries almost, if the political and sports administration in Algeria, see for their own reasons not to tackle the phenomenon, why political and sports administration did not take the initiative in Egypt to address the issue, and raised at all levels, and to convince the concerned authorities in Algeria to cooperate in the search for solutions ?, If the failure of the Algerian side, move the case to the sporting events Arab and international, first, I do not mind the request enters the supreme political leadership in both countries, and Mrs. Margaret Thatcher did something that Balchador with European political leaders, to eliminate the riots «Alholijan »English in European football stadiums, and in any case Alssayastan leaderships in Egypt and Algeria were forced to intervene, but after that the phenomenon turned into a major political crisis, and almost lead to the massacre in Khartoum.
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The third lesson, which I stop him, he is so destructive role forsaken him free rein to inform the trade, and the examples in the recent crisis stark including unbearable, however, did not hear the action or even call in any of the two countries, Algeria and Egypt to trial Rogge false news deaths Algerians, in Cairo on Saturday, November 14 match, or trial instigated the violence and bloodshed of Egyptians media, if it has happened, as some say. The first important notes in this debate seeking to draw lessons is that this tension in the anti-Egyptian sentiment in sporting encounters with the Algerians, stretching back more than thirty years, and appeared first appeared in this picture breath in the late seventies in an African courses, and then repeats the emergence of these feelings at every sporting event between the two countries almost, if the political and sports administration in Algeria, see for their own reasons not to tackle the phenomenon, why political and sports administration did not take the initiative in Egypt to address the issue, and raised at all levels, and to convince the concerned authorities in Algeria to cooperate in the search for solutions ?, If the failure of the Algerian side, move the case to the sporting events Arab and international, first, I do not mind the request enters the supreme political leadership in both countries, and Mrs. Margaret Thatcher did something that Balchador with European political leaders, to eliminate the riots «Alholijan »English in European football stadiums, and in any case Alssayastan leaderships in Egypt and Algeria were forced to intervene, but after that the phenomenon turned into a major political crisis, and almost lead to the massacre in Khartoum.