Go back to the Egyptian case, Vencir at the outset that Nasser's hostility focused on capitalists industrialists to complete Totalitarian regime in the early sixties of the last century, forbidding the country from the accumulation of experience, management and capital, but instead the ambition to establish an industrial public sector, labor-intensive and intensive project of state capitalism , and the attributes of a charismatic, popular rallying around the project to ensure its subordination of the workers, or their integration into the system. And his successor, Anwar Sadat, and we had to wait until the October War locked Egypt under his leadership, to begin a new chapter in the relationship between the dictatorship and the industry. It has provided the October victory for pillowcases legitimacy enormous undoubtedly, but his inclinations right-wing, and the nature of the dictatorship, and his conviction hostility Nasser regime rules has led him to think that the insurance authority requires the liquidation of these rules, and to achieve this goal follow two strategies in parallel, the first is the launch of the freedom of religious groups at the university, and support these groups, to weaken the student movement, which was a leftist or nationalist tendencies, and the second related to our subject is the deliberate neglect of castles public sector industrial and discredit this sector, by various means, including the selection of leaders is not qualified, and insincere, and fully integrated corporate profits in the state budget, and then does not follow that the allocation of any funds to bring renewal and expansion of the harbor factories gradually, and then atrophy and other rules of labor-intensive they are, and in this context came the famous that Egypt is an agricultural country of his statement, and not industrialized countries, and telling the engineer «Yahya Mullah» he does not like to hear the word of the industry.
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Go back to the Egyptian case, Vencir at the outset that Nasser's hostility focused on capitalists industrialists to complete Totalitarian regime in the early sixties of the last century, forbidding the country from the accumulation of experience, management and capital, but instead the ambition to establish an industrial public sector, labor-intensive and intensive project of state capitalism , and the attributes of a charismatic, popular rallying around the project to ensure its subordination of the workers, or their integration into the system. And his successor, Anwar Sadat, and we had to wait until the October War locked Egypt under his leadership, to begin a new chapter in the relationship between the dictatorship and the industry. It has provided the October victory for pillowcases legitimacy enormous undoubtedly, but his inclinations right-wing, and the nature of the dictatorship, and his conviction hostility Nasser regime rules has led him to think that the insurance authority requires the liquidation of these rules, and to achieve this goal follow two strategies in parallel, the first is the launch of the freedom of religious groups at the university, and support these groups, to weaken the student movement, which was a leftist or nationalist tendencies, and the second related to our subject is the deliberate neglect of castles public sector industrial and discredit this sector, by various means, including the selection of leaders is not qualified, and insincere, and fully integrated corporate profits in the state budget, and then does not follow that the allocation of any funds to bring renewal and expansion of the harbor factories gradually, and then atrophy and other rules of labor-intensive they are, and in this context came the famous that Egypt is an agricultural country of his statement, and not industrialized countries, and telling the engineer «Yahya Mullah» he does not like to hear the word of the industry.