Egyptians wounded tremendous shock, when a group of senior citizens, to attack and burn the homes of Copts in Minya, and the erosion of Mr. Christian elderly him in the street, on the back of a rumor about the existence of an illicit relationship between a Muslim woman and a Christian man. Shock that the incident source put the whole community in front of a mirror, always trying to avoid consideration so as not to see its flaws and ills, especially regarding the delinquency of some of its members to extremism and militancy, which intensified in recent years. A good look in the mirror, reveals the existence of a broad sector of society, inside «small Daashy», much like the «adult Aldoaash» who are destroying the homelands name of Islam, and killing and slaughter and burning of innocent people, to the tune anthem «saber-Alsoarm», without shed their eye. Revisit again in the mirror, reveal to us the list of defendants in the true reality of Minya, which were not the result baring only Egyptian citizenship, but expose the behaviors, practices and ethics of the entire community, he finds it difficult to peaceful coexistence among his sons. Tops the list of the accused true in reality Minya, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis, who have contributed their ideas militant, and distancing themselves from the tolerance of citizens of different religious, create a general climate of hatred, and the entrenchment of a culture's refusal to accept the other, who have always seen him as a citizen of second grade , it has to pay a poll tax to be able to live among the «pure».
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Egyptians wounded tremendous shock, when a group of senior citizens, to attack and burn the homes of Copts in Minya, and the erosion of Mr. Christian elderly him in the street, on the back of a rumor about the existence of an illicit relationship between a Muslim woman and a Christian man. Shock that the incident source put the whole community in front of a mirror, always trying to avoid consideration so as not to see its flaws and ills, especially regarding the delinquency of some of its members to extremism and militancy, which intensified in recent years. A good look in the mirror, reveals the existence of a broad sector of society, inside «small Daashy», much like the «adult Aldoaash» who are destroying the homelands name of Islam, and killing and slaughter and burning of innocent people, to the tune anthem «saber-Alsoarm», without shed their eye. Revisit again in the mirror, reveal to us the list of defendants in the true reality of Minya, which were not the result baring only Egyptian citizenship, but expose the behaviors, practices and ethics of the entire community, he finds it difficult to peaceful coexistence among his sons. Tops the list of the accused true in reality Minya, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis, who have contributed their ideas militant, and distancing themselves from the tolerance of citizens of different religious, create a general climate of hatred, and the entrenchment of a culture's refusal to accept the other, who have always seen him as a citizen of second grade , it has to pay a poll tax to be able to live among the «pure».