has learned well from the same source that there is flexibility occurred in the Israeli position, the Netanyahu told Egyptian President Mubarak finally that he is ready to resume negotiations with the Palestinians without preconditions, and its flexibility here to drop a demand Mahmoud Abbas's commitment to the Palestine Liberation Organization the Jewishness of Israel as a precondition for the resumption of negotiations. It would seem that there is a coordinated US-Egyptian at this point, and came after Netanyahu flexible told Suleiman Fayyad, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister that the Palestinians understand very well that Israel is a Jewish state, but they do not compel them to accept the document provides for the Jewishness of Israel as a precondition for negotiations. Egyptian source also told «sunrise» that the US administration understood the Egyptian proposal to be the border issue is the starting point in the resumed peace process, adding that the Palestinian and Israeli sides have received US advice in this sense, and that this advice made «in response to Egyptian pressure».