Yes, there was a leak of questions secondary school examinations took place during the presence of the students in the test halls, and no one can deny that, but the solution is not to cancel it and start from scratch, as this would mean, frankly, that the state will stand helpless and weak, which allows for some of the wear and tear her arm and force it to re-exams, and will raise the level of anger among a large segment of the people, he finds that his children are being slaughtered without the guilt of what happened. This does not mean that pass this issue unnoticed, but must be punished for negligence and errant and accomplices, clearing the Ministry of Education of the elements that infiltrated during the past years, and played a role or facilitated directly or indirectly infusion process, it should also be new rules in the correct application students' answers, and to prove his fraud-signed by the greatest punishment, deprived of access to universities for several years, in order to be a lesson for others. Also on the decision-maker, the realization that incitement to state institutions, not only through the political parties and political forces groups system is opposed, but incitement true - especially in this crisis and other recent crises, such as rising food prices and monopoly and speculation in foreign currency, comes from the parties are very close to the government, and therefore must expand the term «evil people» actually includes all those who incite people against the state institutions in word and deed, not just opponents of the regime.
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Yes, there was a leak of questions secondary school examinations took place during the presence of the students in the test halls, and no one can deny that, but the solution is not to cancel it and start from scratch, as this would mean, frankly, that the state will stand helpless and weak, which allows for some of the wear and tear her arm and force it to re-exams, and will raise the level of anger among a large segment of the people, he finds that his children are being slaughtered without the guilt of what happened. This does not mean that pass this issue unnoticed, but must be punished for negligence and errant and accomplices, clearing the Ministry of Education of the elements that infiltrated during the past years, and played a role or facilitated directly or indirectly infusion process, it should also be new rules in the correct application students' answers, and to prove his fraud-signed by the greatest punishment, deprived of access to universities for several years, in order to be a lesson for others. Also on the decision-maker, the realization that incitement to state institutions, not only through the political parties and political forces groups system is opposed, but incitement true - especially in this crisis and other recent crises, such as rising food prices and monopoly and speculation in foreign currency, comes from the parties are very close to the government, and therefore must expand the term «evil people» actually includes all those who incite people against the state institutions in word and deed, not just opponents of the regime.