seems that the above does not miss the majority of the general population in Germany, which indicates that according to "Die Welt" newspaper on 31.08.2016, that 57% of the population in favor of Merkel's decision (in line with Austria at the time) to open the border in front of hundreds thousands of migrants and enable them to access the German territory, offset about 33% of the opponents, and the proportion of opponents of the argument Merkel "We are capable of it," was equivalent to 59% day was launched for the first time, and fell a year after the application Mguetdaha to 54%, compared to the high proportion of supporters from 37 to 43%. Unlikely according to these data and other occurrence changed radically in the open-border policy, which is a parallel policy to the high share of Germany's financial allocations for humanitarian purposes in conflict zones bloody circle, but will continue the process of development of laws and administrative procedures on the problem of asylum in order to regulate and control without compromising the essence of where the foundation , compared to the follow-up action to limit the reception of refugees from the Balkans and some Asian and African countries, not including Syria, Iraq personalized. These expectations apply particularly, if Merkel declared herself nomination advisory for the post in the 2017 elections. Its success is likely to significantly despite the decline in the proportion of little popularity in the polls cyclical, but the difference between them and the other is still great with the exclusion of the occurrence change little in the coming months, and contrasted it with a series of negative results in the local elections States on the Christian Democrats party headed by Merkel's account, the phenomenon of empowering the opposition parties on the level of well-known electoral previous rounds of US, and explain the willingness of voters to achieve a balance in the legislation that divided powers between the Bundestag and the Council of the representation of States German
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seems that the above does not miss the majority of the general population in Germany, which indicates that according to "Die Welt" newspaper on 31.08.2016, that 57% of the population in favor of Merkel's decision (in line with Austria at the time) to open the border in front of hundreds thousands of migrants and enable them to access the German territory, offset about 33% of the opponents, and the proportion of opponents of the argument Merkel "We are capable of it," was equivalent to 59% day was launched for the first time, and fell a year after the application Mguetdaha to 54%, compared to the high proportion of supporters from 37 to 43%. Unlikely according to these data and other occurrence changed radically in the open-border policy, which is a parallel policy to the high share of Germany's financial allocations for humanitarian purposes in conflict zones bloody circle, but will continue the process of development of laws and administrative procedures on the problem of asylum in order to regulate and control without compromising the essence of where the foundation , compared to the follow-up action to limit the reception of refugees from the Balkans and some Asian and African countries, not including Syria, Iraq personalized. These expectations apply particularly, if Merkel declared herself nomination advisory for the post in the 2017 elections. Its success is likely to significantly despite the decline in the proportion of little popularity in the polls cyclical, but the difference between them and the other is still great with the exclusion of the occurrence change little in the coming months, and contrasted it with a series of negative results in the local elections States on the Christian Democrats party headed by Merkel's account, the phenomenon of empowering the opposition parties on the level of well-known electoral previous rounds of US, and explain the willingness of voters to achieve a balance in the legislation that divided powers between the Bundestag and the Council of the representation of States German