But that does not mean that the government is completely innocent of some of the errors in the economic profile in recent months, most recently, for example, the decision to cancel customs on imported poultry, then undo it a few days later. There is still no position on the «Sunrise» towards Tarek Amer, or any other official. I even on a personal level I sympathize completely with the man these days, after the flotation decision in light of the many attempts Affected Multiple destinations to block any progress for reform. But on the other hand, any criticism of the decision here and another there does not mean we are targeting this official or that, but maybe it was useful to inform and enlighten the entire government official some points that were not clear enough. Any sane and any national wishing success CBE and every government in the battle of economic reform, and any faltering, God forbid, we will pay for it all, and not the government alone. Whispered days before a senior government official in my ear, saying that the expansion of the newspapers and the media in the dissemination of news the dollar gains against the pound contribute to the consecration of a mental image may not be true and does not help in resolving the crisis. I said to this official said that he could understand the black market days and a decision by the flotation, but now the market completely free, and prices declared by the banks operating in the market, including the public banks of any state-owned. Once again realize that the difficult circumstances many challenges and assumed that the press is the mirror of the official, and news and press releases and reports are supposed to be intense scrutiny, especially when concerning prices currency, but the view is the property of the owner, you may agree with this charge today and may differ with him tomorrow, as long as it in the framework of respect and objectivity. The second characteristic of the penal system in Islam is that it is not just a criminal rules applied to the Orontes and offending Islam .. but the system includes a set of legislative elements precedes the face of the law to the people. And that such calculation system «the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice». Accountability educational function proceed with its mission in various transactions show to man what is and what it in his specialty and in his dealings interest of mastery and accomplishment also called Shara individual and group exercise b «Shura» in search of correction of intonation and a departure from the mistake and face the law. Islam is also open to all «Referendum» and that the function of «preventive» helps not to the border or omission exceeded. And established a base of Islam «arbitration» which is based on the selection disputing the rulers govern things even compromise and commitment remains the prevailing climate in the community before resorting to the law, these four: 1 2 hisbah Shura steps 3 4 Ifta arbitration. Each sponsor a statement Shara and prevalence of hand, as it converts between the individual and the face of the law and Alterd for a penalty.
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But that does not mean that the government is completely innocent of some of the errors in the economic profile in recent months, most recently, for example, the decision to cancel customs on imported poultry, then undo it a few days later. There is still no position on the «Sunrise» towards Tarek Amer, or any other official. I even on a personal level I sympathize completely with the man these days, after the flotation decision in light of the many attempts Affected Multiple destinations to block any progress for reform. But on the other hand, any criticism of the decision here and another there does not mean we are targeting this official or that, but maybe it was useful to inform and enlighten the entire government official some points that were not clear enough. Any sane and any national wishing success CBE and every government in the battle of economic reform, and any faltering, God forbid, we will pay for it all, and not the government alone. Whispered days before a senior government official in my ear, saying that the expansion of the newspapers and the media in the dissemination of news the dollar gains against the pound contribute to the consecration of a mental image may not be true and does not help in resolving the crisis. I said to this official said that he could understand the black market days and a decision by the flotation, but now the market completely free, and prices declared by the banks operating in the market, including the public banks of any state-owned. Once again realize that the difficult circumstances many challenges and assumed that the press is the mirror of the official, and news and press releases and reports are supposed to be intense scrutiny, especially when concerning prices currency, but the view is the property of the owner, you may agree with this charge today and may differ with him tomorrow, as long as it in the framework of respect and objectivity. The second characteristic of the penal system in Islam is that it is not just a criminal rules applied to the Orontes and offending Islam .. but the system includes a set of legislative elements precedes the face of the law to the people. And that such calculation system «the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice». Accountability educational function proceed with its mission in various transactions show to man what is and what it in his specialty and in his dealings interest of mastery and accomplishment also called Shara individual and group exercise b «Shura» in search of correction of intonation and a departure from the mistake and face the law. Islam is also open to all «Referendum» and that the function of «preventive» helps not to the border or omission exceeded. And established a base of Islam «arbitration» which is based on the selection disputing the rulers govern things even compromise and commitment remains the prevailing climate in the community before resorting to the law, these four: 1 2 hisbah Shura steps 3 4 Ifta arbitration. Each sponsor a statement Shara and prevalence of hand, as it converts between the individual and the face of the law and Alterd for a penalty.