It is not wise pieces that this scenario will be achieved strictly, have not achieved anything from him at all, is how taught us politics, especially in the Middle East, the Arab-Israeli conflict, but this scenario remains the most likely, as has been said, what will earn the Arab parties, and Egypt in particular of such a proposed system of collective security? Personal as a vision of this writer that the availability of information on the collective security arrangements of the bay and the new Middle East do not meet the requirements of the Egyptian and Arab, nor fulfill the conditions for the real concept of collective security. Talking about an Arab-American umbrella for the security of the Gulf, and the question: Is not this the parachute deployed now stretches skies of the region, and although it is written in a comprehensive treaty, the war to liberate Kuwait from the Iraqi invasion have written with blood and fire, and they talk about persuading Iran to abandon its ambitions ( after unconfirmed) to acquire a nuclear weapon .. this demand for international and regional, but what the meaning of collective security does not address Israel's nuclear arsenal, and does not include the borders of Israel's strategic superiority sweeping all the countries in the region. So no effort Arab focusing on this point specifically, and as far as we recommend the flexibility of our knowledge hardly convince Washington and Tel Aviv, it is the agreement on the general principles of the target, and the goals of progress, so come up with a timetable for linking the reduction of Israel's superiority strategic «especially nuclear» progress in normalization and regional cooperation and peaceful relations with the countries of the region, and without it the Egyptians and Arabs will live forever is not under the protection of the American nuclear umbrella, but under the horror of the Israeli nuclear umbrella.